The process behind every Print
Printing with APEGO GmbH
APEGO GmbH is a local printing company in Giessen, specialized in high quality fine-art printing. I have partnered up with them in order to make even higher qualities and larger print sizes possible and the results look truly stunning. All prints are made on 190g/cm2 photo-paper but if you want exclusive paper from legendary brands like Hahnemühle, just let me know and he will make it possible!
The new Catatumbo Collection

Jonas Piontek
The sky fascinates me, weather fascinates me.
Both capture me on a level that is not describable by simple words. This is why I want my photography not to only look great but to also transfer my emotions and memories into something that has the power to revive these powerful impressions that I gained on my travels. I want to share this passion that I'm living and forward this fascination to viewers across the whole world.